Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why Does It Matter?

What's the consideration with being bias? I'm just going to keep this plain and simple. After reading the two articles you can definitely see bias, especially in the first article about Obama's bounce after the DNC. But the main point of why people can be bias sometimes is to defend their side. Defend their belief. Everyone of us are bias to make our point and to make our solution and prove that changes are needed. In a way, being bias can sometimes make a person to convince in something. Here's an example, in class last week we discussed about the Governor of NJ being sharp-tongued and bluntness. But why did he act in such a maybe rude manner? He was making his point.

Where can you not find info about our world today? Our technology is so unbelievable right now that words can't describe how great it is. Finding info on politics, news, celebrities, etc can be found in seconds! Many of us have tablets and iphones and ipods that can access the internet to find breaking news from across the globe. Others can simply watch television, or use their computers. Facebook now has CNN and NYTimes and CNN Politics pages that people can like. But why do politics and media mix? The reason is, in order to show your voice and show your belief and reveal who you are, you need to know what is going on. We all pay attention to what can could be our resolution.

Why does all of this matter? This all matters to one thing... saying your voice and what you want this country to be in the next four or eight years. We own the society together one way or another. It's not the government that's the change, it's us. We are the change. It is up to us to accept and conqueor our challenges. These are the main reasons:
1. Being bias- tries to make a point. To convince.
2.Finding info and making decisions- to prove that we all have a voice in our society.

You may disagree to what I answered, but this country is full of different minds and opinions.

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