In this article it said the Rep. of the District of Illinois, Luis Gutierrez stated "The fact that they're going to allow young people -- undocumented people to come and speak at this convention is an indication of the future."
This shows that the fact of UNDOCUMENTED people coming to speak at the CONVENTION points out the FUTRE. A future WITH and FOR undocumented people as well.
I understand that many Americans may mostly be focused on the nations future with the economy and healthcare, but lets NOT FORGET immigration reforms and education. As a Hispanic coming from a family where there are immigrants uncles, aunts, cousins etc. I know what its like for this to affect someone. I've seen it before. I've seen how someone suffers from wanting to go to college and not being able to because they are undocumented. This is a very important topic that has to do with a lot, like our economy and education. I am a very fortunate human being on this planet, thanks to my parents I was born here and don't have to worry about weather I will be able to go to college or not because I'm not undocumented. But I'm not selfish or take this right of being a U.S citizen for granted because I do worry. I worry about my people and my country. Something I always hear is " We are the future of this country" In my opinion even immigrants are the future of this country. In my eyes being undocumented doesnt really make you different from a actual U.S. citizen. They also want an education and DREAM to have a career. THEY ARE THE FUTURE AS WELL. If an Immigration Bill or President Obama's education policy was to be passed in the future and because of the help of our Democrat leaders, not only would immigrants benefit from this but also people that are already U.S citizens. I think in the future this would help build our economy back up again, a major issue our nation faces now. If immigrants were able to have a same right to education as U.S. citizens. We would have more successful people in this world ready to work hard not only for their own economy and benefits but for the nation. Now they all would work together and make the United States of America even a more successful nation.
Whatching the Democratic National Convention tonight. Cristina Saralegui pointed out how much President Obama and Democrats have helped our nation, many important accomplishments that President Obama has made so far and what more plans he has for the U.S.
- President Obama has helped prevent a SECOND GREAT DEPRESSION and will work hard in the next 4 years if he is re-elected to keep is away from a second great depression
- He has cut taxes from middle class people. What many need because many of Americans are middle class. This will help families and their homes.
- He for the Dream Act.
- He fought for health care- which has helped and assures to help protect and help millions of Americans.
They have a plan for our economy, education and a plan to pass a comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship.
In a Democratic Video before Benita Veliz's speech at the Democratic National Convention. President Obama promised that FOR AS LONG AS HE IS PRESIDENT he will not give up on the issue and bill with immigration because its the right thing to do.
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