Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Four more years !

The Democratic National Convention seemed to be almost as big as Superbowl ( almost ). 
When I watched the event I looked around and saw a lot of different types of people. I saw superstars and everyday people, senators and heads of this and that. I looked an I thought to myself: This is what our country looks like. The amount of people in the stadium was insane ! I was truly amazed with the whole thing but more intrigued with the speakers than anything.

Two speakers stuck out to me : Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton.

I did not get a chance to watch the First Lady on TV but I tuned in on youtube [] to watch her speak. When I listened I heard the sincerity in her voice. I felt as if I understood her past pain and struggle , as well as the President's. Michelle Obama spoke from the heart. She and her husband understand the middle-class struggles, even driving in a rusty car. 

She can connect with a lot of us. She gets it. 
As does Obama.
Does Willard ? 

Question : 

Do you think the First Lady spoke to much about her and Barack's past and not enough about the issues the country is faced with ?

Again I went to youtube to look at the Bill Clinton speech. It was pretty lengthy. Although it wasn't boring lengthy. The way Bill spoke about the country made it all seem so simple. He essentially dissected the GOP ( & Willard's) morals , beliefs, and actions. He spoke with the fierce , but simple, language that you would only expect from him. Bill Clinton understands the fact that in order to get things done you can't bicker all the time. Bill spoke on even the flaws of politics. He spoke with intelligence , stating his facts. Stating Obama's positives that I never even knew about ( and I'm a hugeee obama supporter ! ) He did attack Romney , but in a cool classy Clinton way.

Hardly ever do you hear anyone talk like this. 
You hardly hear a politician talk like this.

The truth seems to have finally been spoken , and who better to speak of it then Bill Clinton ?


Do you think there is way too much back and forth going on between the parties ? Or is it healthy? 

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