Sunday, September 16, 2012

Revamping Her Image


   From filing for bankruptcy in 1976 to giving away hundreds to thousands of dollars through her family's foundation, from laying off workers to some how making millions in tax credit, Linda McMahon is pursing a new image make over. After losing by 12 percent running in 2010, this year Linda McMahon is aiming her campaign in the direction of the economy and outreach towards women, the Connecticut Senate Race tightens up.

    When opponent Christopher Murphy's campaign ad pointed out that "the image CEO Linda McMahon is selling, isn't real." due to the fact that she laid of workers and in result collected millions in tax credits. I response McMahon said in 2009 due to the recession WWE laid off workers, but no they're employing more people than ever before, offering excellent benefits including  health insurance, (remind you the company denied workers disability and health care in the past).

     This year Ms.McMahon has put $11.8 million so far into her campaign, more than Chris Murphy's $3.1 million. in the mist of all this money being spent, Murphy denied the accusation that his opponent made about him accepting a gift of a home-equity loan from a financial institution he represented when he was an attorney which is a violation of House rules.      

   Murphy opposes McMahon's tax-cut proposal for the middle class, saying that it's benefiting the wealthy. Murphy knows he doesn't have the financial resources his opponet does as well as her name recognitioin, he makes a comment of her former business stating that "My story doesn't need as much money as Linda McMahon's.…Ultimately, Linda McMahon needs all the money she has to try to wash away her miserable record of selling sex and violence to kids."

In my opinion both candidates are running their campaigns in a childish way in a game of "tattle-tale." Both McMahon and Murphy and their campaigns should be moving forward and finding a way to campaign a change for Connecticut.  

Questions to You:

1. What's your opinion on McMahon & Murphy's campaign?
2. What's your take on the CT Senate Race? 


  1. I agree with you Kahyla, this campaign does seem like a game of "tattle tale". However, that is how i see most campaigns, all each candidate wants to do is to make their opponent look bad.
    My take on this Senate race is that I am questioning Mcmahon. Sure Murphy had a financial problem in his past, but he owned up and fixed it, unlike McMahon. She filed for bankruptcy to get rid of her debts but now is a millionaire who refuses to pay back her creditors? She has the money to spend, why not take responsibility?

    1. Absolutely agree with you Rusty. Her whole "new image," seems some what shady.
