Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Obamacare : Healthcare reform

One of the topics in the convention was about how Obama is trying to still improve healthcare. During his presidency he already passed a healthcare reform law. Under this law everyone is required to buy health insurance or pay for the healthcare for America plan. The good part about this plan is that people get the right care they need but is it causing more debt for not only citizens but national debt? People get rejected for insurance all the time and that’s for one they can afford. Under this law they would have to keep searching for a plan that in the end might cost them a fortune, even if they do not use the services. This plan also started a new kind of insurance plan but where is the money coming from? Insurance companies pay certain amounts of each client’s medical bills, depending on what the plan covers. This new type of insurance “company” needs money in the bank to start off with especially if people have the choice to get this plan at any time. They say companies can offer this as their company insurance if they make a small donation to the plan, but that keep the plan from running out of money. This means that the plan is either using money we don’t have, creating more national debt, or they are using tax money that needs to be used more in the towns. Who knows this reform project or one in the near future might just raise taxes.
In recap their ideas on healthcare reform could: create more personal debt, create more national debt, raise taxes, create new taxes, or take away the money your town has to improve itself. 

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