Sunday, September 23, 2012

Linda McMahon and WWE defend themselves

Republican candidate Linda McMahon who is currently running for U.S Senate is being critisized a lot.  Footage of wrestling performers is being removed off the Internet by WWE.  There are videos of her in stimulated sex and necrophilia scenes being used by Democrats against her in the campaign.  Democrats seem to want to " get it out there for the voters to be able to evaluate her full record," said spokeswoman for state Democrats.

 I do believe that candidates should be observed and "evaluated" on there "full record."  But not on something that isn't wrong.  In my opinion its her past, she hasnt committed a crime.  From my perspective she shouldn't be judged based on what she did before.  This really shouldn't be a concern to us.  That was aside of her Political life.  We should focus on her Political life NOW.  I also don't agree with the videos being used by the Democrats in this campaign.  To me it isn't fair or right.

How do you think a candidate should be judged?

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