Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Reflection of the People, CT Senate Race

As the senate race intensifies, the dirty between the candidate’s increases. In this article, it talks about Democrat Chris Murphy in his quest, to bring in to question the character, of Linda McMahon. He attempts this by posting a video of raunchy acts by the WWE franchise. Only eight hours after being posted the video was taken down by request of WWE. The franchise feels this was a desperate effort on Murphy’s behalf to deflect attention from his imploding campaign. “Chris Murphy and his minions at the State Democratic Party are grasping at straws to come up with anything they hope will divert the public’s attention away from the fact that Congressman Murphy’s campaign is imploding," Abrajano said in an email. "Connecticut voters are clearly unimpressed that Congressman Murphy skips work 80% of the time, that he still doesn’t have a jobs plan after 5,000 days in elected office, and that he’s refusing to come clean about the ethics scandal surrounding the special home loan deal he received while sitting on the House Financial Services Committee.”  If this is true, what does it say about us? Are we that easily distracted, that such things can pull our attention away from the truth? It bothers me that politician’s feel that they can divert our concentration from the battle with cheap shots and irrelevant issues. But this is not a surprise, it happens all too often. When politician’s feel the pressure of an issue that would be important to the people and would ruin their image or campaign they shift course to distract us, and most times we fall into their trap. But it isn’t all bad it is a way to buy them time until they can explain and fix the problem. Although I am not very fond of republicans, I like Linda McMahon’s style. Some of the time, the issues she brings into the light of the public, are important facts we need to know about her opponent. I believe it is now time in the race to put negative ad campaigns away and focus on how each candidate plans to help the people and how they are going to make a change. For example, when Todd Akin made the comments on rape, Claire McCaskill did not run her campaign around his mistake, but distanced herself from it and focused on her efforts to help the people.

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