Monday, September 3, 2012


Obama's Health Care Law plays a big roll in the political campaigns. I reread this article twice to understand that Mitt Romney and Paul D. Ryan are really trying to get rid of the existence of this new health law. I understand what the republicans are stressing about. It would save the states and federal government over $400 billion but, they are acting like the money is going into total waste. It is actually going towards something good.

I tried to look at both sides of the argument but, clearly, I would be by Obama's side when it comes to Medicaid. What the republicans have to understand is that, not everybody are in the same healthy and wealthy conditions. What they need to do is put their feet in others' shoes and see how greatly this health care law is helping. There are those who were laid off and not everybody is living the fancy life. I feel that the republicans are being selfish and aren't thinking about our world. We are supposed to be a democracy and if so, we already know that majority of the citizens of the U.S. are for "Obamacare." So, why do you republicans decides to go against the grain.

I had some personal thoughts about how this Health Care Law can greatly help us. People are in sticky situations and conditions. There are those who are injured and unable to work. But, this law can help get people back on their feet if this is one less bill they have to worry about. This could hopefully allow people to work if they are treated for any illnesses or wounds. Overtime, many won't have to rely on this Law. and maybe, sometime in the future, this law can be repealed. This was something I thought about.


Please, tell me what you think about this law. What do you have to say about republicans wanting to repeal this law?

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