I’ve seen some videos of both conventions. What I’m wondering is , can the energy and shazam of a convention can to a bounce. What I’ve noticed in both the conventions, is the people how they act what they look like. Yes, the Republican convention had a lot of energy, but compared to the energy of the Democratic convention it falls short. What this can lead to is the gaining of swing states that could really change the game up. What Michelle talked about had a family and moral theme. If the Democrats win the election, it could affect Americans by getting more jobs. What Obama is trying to do is raise the auto Industry to make more jobs. The opening ceremony is best described by this website”In Tampa, the opening night was marked by a lack of energy on the floor. The aisles in the arena were wide open. Delegates talked among themselves through almost all the speeches,” IN the Democratic convention it was different just by the way the people cheer you could tell that they had more energy and love in there
Niorgie- I like how this post is an extension of your NYT Break Out Session article from class. Be sure to make these connections with your classmates during the presentation tomorrow. Keen analysis of the goings-on and media coverage of the conventions.