Monday, July 23, 2012

Take a Look; Tell Me What You Think

This isn't a real post, I just found a couple of Romney ads that really hit home to me and I wanted to hear what y'all think.


  1. It's interesting that these Romney Campaign Ads aren't playing on television stations in this part of the country (unless I've just missed them).

    Why do you think the two candidates are campaigning in the American cities and states that they are?

    What role will the political cultures of different regions in the United States play in the campaigns and subsequent election?

  2. Well to comment on the ads ; the 1st one I find to be a little...not true. Why? Because is obama lying about Romney's Bain thing ? Uh no. That's true. Obama didn't know he was going to run against a millionaire in 2012, so I suppose you have to do what you have to do.

    The 2nd one , I mean with partisan politics in full blown swing you really can't expect jobs to be created because everyone is blocking one another. Democrats AND republicans !!!! All of them !!!

    I am almost positive these are not playing on our tv stations because we know, we KNOW, its a bunch of baloney !

    Well I stay updated through email with the obama campaign and I know for a fact that Obama is targeting swing states like New Hampshire states with a lot of electoral votes because he needs them. Obama is very very close to winning, but Romney is on his tail !

    Well every region has its own wants , and own pain. On the east coast we haven't been experincing the hardship with jobs and things that the mid-west might've. The bordering states might have a serious problem with the DREAM act and immigration. It really depends where you are.

  3. The first one is talking about how Bain supposedly outsourced jobs to other countries.

    Then for the second one, if you make all these promises, to bring unemployment down below 8%, to cut the deficit in half, to lower insurance costs by however much he said all by the end of your first term, but all that happens is unemployment is stagnant over 8%, the deficit does nothing but grow and grow and so do health insurance costs, you should be held accountable for the false hope you gave us in 2008. If you couldn't do what you said the first time, why should I trust any other promise you make?

    And no response to the other two? Are they right?

    And Ms,

    They're not playing because New England, (with the exception of New Hampshire which is lean-libertarian-ish) is drenched in blue. There's no point in campaigning here. But hey, if Romney's out there trying to campaign for the black vote which he will never get, why not?

    They're campaigning where they are because they're forced to. They don't need to go to states they know they'll get more than 50% of the vote in. Because that's the way the electoral college works.
