Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bringing Back the Draft?


Looks like some high ranking general wants to bring us back to the days of Vietnam. The days when the government pulled your name out a hat and you were forced to serve in the military. Oh the joy!

But if this new pro-draft general were to so much as to glance at the Constitution they would realize the flaming unconstitutionality of the draft, per the 13th Amendment.

Now I know you're probably thinking "Wait! I thought the 13th Amendment abolished slavery!"

Well you're 1/2 right! The text of the amendment reads:

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."

Hmm involuntary servitude... Wouldn't that be the exact same as making someone serve in the military with out their will?! And isn't that unconstitutional?!

So whether or not the Selective Service System (the draft) is only a contingency plan (in case something unexpected happens) and not actually used or not, it needs to be abolish per our 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

I guess at the very least we can make the draft as a sentence for criminals as opposed to prison!

So should government be allowed to force you to serve in the military, or would that be a violation of the 13th amendment?


  1. I think that you're right Raymond! The government should not be allowed to force us to serve in the military. I can see their point of view, and all of the savings, but they should leave that option open to 18 year olds who want to volunteer,not the ones that don't! Forcing us would be a violation of the 13th amendment. Do they even think that there are teens out there that have future plans that they have dreamed about since they were little toddlers?! Or there are teens who just figured out their dreams after many hard years of thoughts and worry? I know, I know...they can pick up their dreams after their service, but what happens if it's too late? Or if they veer off track and regret it? Leave the draft to teens who really want to do it! I believe if they enforce this draft, there will be so many problems, more than desired, making the problem even worse. This is a violation of our rights, and I know for a fact that us teens will fight until we get what's right!

  2. I agree with everything you said, but if the 13th amendment outlined this previously...in what the late 1800s...then why in the world was there still a draft during the 1900s nam war.

    I'm just thinking about this from a kind of weird abstract point of view. But if the constituiton already said people can't be drafted and then all those people were and then most if not all were later diagnosed with some type of PTSD or other ailment , shouldn't they all get those benefits without even having to go through a process because couldn't these veterans SUE the united states military for in fact doing the very thing that is constituted as basically illegal.


    [ excuse the lack of puncuation ]

  3. I do agree with what you said about how they had the draft in the 1900 Vietnam War. Didn't they realize it was a violation back then? After all, it wasn't that long ago. I wonder if people realized that they were being violated, or if they didn't have enough knowledge of their rights in the Constitution and in the Bill of Rights. It's such a shame that people had to experience the hardships of the war and then go through PTSD afterwards. You are right! They should automatically get those benefits because they are the brave hearts risking their lives for our nation. As I said previously, if you rip teens away from their dreams, they may not be able to go back to what they want to because they got hurt or end up with PTSD. It would be a real shame!

  4. People don't really make the connection between the draft & the 13th Amendment. Most likely the reason it is still technically in place. Believe it or not, I learned of the connection for good ole Ron Paul. He's not crazy all the time!

    1. Quick question: Don't you get paid if your drafted?

    2. good question. I'm not sure. Most likely though.

  5. I agree completely with you Raymond. The government should not be allowed to force you to serve in the military. When I first learned what the draft actually is, I didn't even think about it violating the 13th Amendment. But yes, now that you pointed it out, I agree that it does. It would be a form of slavery or servitude. Your idea of sentencing the criminals to the military is a great idea, that way regular people wouldn't have to be forced to join. I know I would be devastated if I was forced to join, what about you?

  6. I was the same way Malik. I never made the connection and probably would never have made it if it weren't for Ron Paul.

    The idea for the criminals was somewhat of a joke, only because that would be the only way the draft would be Constitutional, but hey if people like the idea, why not!
