Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Romney Starts Attacking: Obama Belittles American Success

Let's start off by saying that I support Governor Mitt Romney in this presidential election, because I know that many of you support President Obama for re-election and I anticipate that this post will recieve many comments.

Now I saw Obama and Romney's comments on the subject of success and governments role in it, and I have to say that I found Obama's comment to be quite belittling and rude. He basically said that government brought you to where you are today if you are successful. Your drive and motivation meant little, and government was crucial and fundamental. As a matter of fact, it is quite the opposite. Businesses help to fund the government! Without the taxpayer dollars from individuals and businesses, the government would be unable to perform half of the duties that it does! Adding another point, every single president has said if you work hard in this country, you will make it because it is the land of opportunity. Obama basically threw that out the window with this comment. I'll revisit this topic later.

Now onto the foreign issues. Romney accuses Obama of crony capitalism, and honeslty, I wouldn't put it past him. Many people, not excluding the president, will do whatever it takes to get ahead, so if that means paying people off for more votes and for help, then so be it. It isn't too hard to believe. Next, Romney is accused of using foreign tax havens. I don't see the big deal. Many people do that! It's kinda smart. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that's legal. Bain Capital gave many, many Americans jobs, so he isn't being un-American! He is, indeed helping us out!

Back to the success issue. I realize that later Obama corrected himself, but I still believe that he said the entire truth of what he felt. I have been told numerous times that when you slip up and say something, it is more than likely what you actually feel inside but were trying to hide from everybody. He may have corrected it, but he still said it. It is quite possible that Obama feels that government is more fundamental to succeeding in life than the entrepreneur is.

Hey, a lot of you go to MBA to learn how to run a business and such, so Obama said that when you get older and have a successful business, you didn't build it, somebody else did. How does that make you feel? Many of you will have businesses of your own one day, and Obama is trying to say you aren't the reason it is operating!

So, here's my question to you. Do you believe that the government plays a vital role in building businesses and other success, or do you believe that the individual plays a bigger role?


  1. Kaylee, I think many of your points are valid, in fact all of them are. And many of them made me think differently of our president. To answer your question, I think that the government plays a vital role in building businesses and other success, definitely not the individual. Well, actually a little of both. The individual plays a role in the whole idea of building a business, yet the government is involved in it becoming real. No one can build a business without somehow being involved in the government. And the fact that Obama says that our business was built by someone else is really discouraging and unnecessary.

    1. Well, Kaylee you have put out very interresting points out there and I can't believe that our gorvernment thinks that they do all the work (I know that eveything is up to them but only up to the point of buliding the businesses and paying the people who work). The real work is done by those individuals who worked hard to run the business and make them succesful. The government can't be good at everything.
