Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The College..of Electors

The two presidental candidates are going neck and neck almost when it comes to the CNN Electoral Map. Obama with 247 Electoral Votes and Romney not very far with 206.

Ever since I started reading the Constitution over and over and over again , I have realized how big of a role the Electoral College plays[an almost deadly one it seems] in the election of our Presidents.
I don't watch the election numbers closely , nor am I statistical genius. What I do know is from the looks of this map [ http://www.CNN.com/election/2012/ecalculator# ] Romney is controlling the Middle United States.

I don't think the electoral college is a fair option , simply because it is not exactly the people voting. If you have a big state such as Texas then you have a huge 38 votes, but a place such as Connecticut only has 7, some states have even less.

Is the electoral college harmful or helpful?
With this map who do you think will be the projected winner of the 2012 presidential Election?

*A question for any who know the answer: Has Mitt Romney chosen a Vice-President yet ?


  1. http://www.270towin.com/2012_election_predictions.php?mapid=oCe

    ^My 2012 prediction

    I'm pretty sure my views of the electoral college are no secret. Abolish it. It is anti democratic. Take a look at this video.


    Explains in every way possible the complete failure known as the electoral college.

    Also Romney controls the MidWest because the GOP has controlled the MidWest... well for all of recent history.

    As to its hurtfulness do we really need to take a trip back to 2000, or 1888? What about 1876 or 1824?

    We all know this electoral college is garbage and needs to be destroyed.

    As to Romney's VP, no he hasn't I hope its McDonnell though. Then I'll go around with signs and tshirts that say McDONNELL FOR vice PRESIDENT!!!!!!

  2. Well raymond...for once...we can AGREE !!!

    To the VP thing: I heard rumours *sp* about christie.

  3. No not at all. There's a couple reasons why it will never be Christie.

    1) He just will plain say no.

    2) It would be an idiotic choice for two reason

    2a) It will be a waste because Romney won't take New Jersey no matter what

    2b) Christie will outshine Romney and look how that turned out for McCain.

  4. It will either be Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal or Ohio Sen. Rob Portman.

    I think Jindal wouldn't be a very good choice either.

  5. Well per romney's wife. ( she wants a women veep) check the cnn.com ticker...they're talking about it. I didn't know christie was smart..
