As election time keeps coming closer, the public starts to become more and more restless. One of their biggest reason for their discomfort is that President Obama was the first African American President in the White House to talk about economic change after the Great Depression but was unable to keep up with his promises about the changes. The main question is did the public make the right decision four years ago?
Mitt Romney is trying his best to convince Americans that President Obama's time is up. He did what he had to do for four years but it is time to let him go an move on. Just to get people to vote for him Romney is going to begin a ten week campaign, especially targeting those people who can not seem to forget President Obama. By doing this Romney is just trying to point out that he and Ryan will start fresh that will bring generational change in the country.
Yet. it loos like that Mitt Romney is not going to make too much progress because even though President Obama failed to keep his promises his supporters are willing to give him another chance.
It is really hard to decide where to stand on this topic. I mean it is not a bad idea of giving President Obama a second chance, not everyone is perfect at first. Though it sometimes is a good idea to move on from the past and try out some new things. Everyone has new ideas that they bring in and sometimes they progress with those ideas, sometimes they don't. What i believe is that the key to running a country is the public. In every way, somehow the public is involved. They seek a leader who wants to bring change for them and do tings that will help them not a leader that wants to run for the money and the luxuries.
Election are really tough this time and we can only hope for the best. So it is time for you guys to give your opinions about the elections. I don't want you guys to tell me who you would vote for because that is too personal but I would like to know that what are some qualities you guys look for in a leader? You can be open about your opinions as much as you want because your comments won;t hurt me but will help give me a better understanding of you guys.
One of the qualities I see most important in a leader is being people-smart. Any political leader, whether it is the president or not, needs to know about people. All people. They need to know about all races and backgrounds, to have a true understanding of people. But to me it seems like a lot of politicians only know about rich (white) people. That's not good. They need to learn about everyday families and the terrible things many are going through. That's first. Then, they need to be able to look at people and try to make a change. Try to make things better. They need to have a spine, if you know what I mean. They need to be tough, have a strong stance otherwise people will walk all over them. They need to be able to stick to what they say if possible, not just talk. Words are very important to try to stick to. That's why so many people are upset with Obama; he said a lot of things, but did not stick to them. But sticking to what you say may not be that easy. But basically, political leaders need to be down-to-earth, real people. Not phony.