Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Opportunity or Burden?

A few minutes ago, I was browsing the web as usual, reading the news, checking Facebook, my email, etc. And I came across this article in the New York Times that really, let's be honest, pissed me off. It's yet another article about Barack Obama's healthcare law. The most controversial law around these days. The law that has been in the news for a very long time, so long, that it's beginning to annoy me. "Why?" you might ask. Because, I've found that this law isn't so great after all - at first I thought of it as a good thing, but soon learned it is FAR from that. "Why?" you might ask again. I might vent and/or go off topic occasionally, so bear with me please. 

Well, I'll tell you why. You know how there is a huge unemployment problem in the United States? I'm sure you do, if you don't you really need to climb out of that cave you're living in. People are losing their jobs left and right, and nothing seems to be getting better. In reality, it is getting worse, far worse. Everywhere in the news you hear about shortages: 

Shortages of farm crops due to the drought

Shortage of truckers

Shortage of Blood Supply 

Etc, etc, etc

Shortages of vital things are occurring all over the world. And here's another shortage: shortage of doctors.
How Safe Are You Around Your Doctor? 

Shortage of people we depend on to help us overcome our illness(s). Shortages of people who keep us alive. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Well, it is, face it. It's time for everyone who does to stop denying everything and face the truth - it's the only way things can even come close to getting better. 
With Obama's new healthcare law, this shortage is supposed to get even worse. That's right, WORSE. I thought this was supposed to help people, specifically the poor, and all it's going to do is make things even worse. As it said in the article, health insurance COVERAGE is increased. COVERAGE. That does not mean health CARE. "Local health experts doubt there will be enough doctors to meet the area’s needs. There are not enough now" according to The New York Times. That's certainly a wake-up call. That got me thinking, "What kind of twisted law is this?" It makes things even worse for people. In no way is this plan helping anyone at all, because without an adequate amount of doctors, not a SINGLE positive difference is made. Not a single one. It's basically useless. Isn't this just wonderful (sarcastic)?

Now I see why so many people oppose this whole thing. It's sad that the poor cannot be helped, really sad. All of our government wants to do is CHARGE people. They love doing that. I'm not saying they're the only one, but they are sure good at it. And to me, anyone who isn't aware of the bad situation this country is in is living in the clouds. Those people seriously need to GET REAL. Things are not okay. This country is a big mess. Everything is falling apart all over the nation. Obama launched this stupid, downright STUPID healthcare plan. Now, maybe all the blame can't be put on him. But certainly he has not made anything better in this country worth talking about. But I blame Congress for that. 

So now that I've vented my opinion about this whole thing, feel free to express yours. If you completely oppose my view, no problem. If you think my way of expressing this opinion is terribly wrong, no problem. If you think I'm the one being stupid and not Obama, no problem. It's a free country (or at least supposed to be). You can think what you want. I fully respect your opinion. 

My question is, what do you think of this law? Can anything be done to improve it? Can anything be done to deliver RELIABLE healthcare to the poor? Feel free to let me know. 

We're all in this together, and if we want to do anything about anything, we HAVE to be aware of the severity of the issues plaguing our country, and as I said before, how everything is NOT okay. 

And remember guys, this healthcare law is going to cost the government billions and trillions of dollars. 


  1. Well I mean honestly , the shortage of Doctors and truckers , and other positions isn't really the governments fault as much as it is peoples. If you think about it a lot of people don't want to become doctors because it's expensive and they don't have the money. Or they don't feel like they're smart enough to be one, who knows the reason. The thing is , is the oppurtunity is there, but we can't depend on government to do it all for us. I don't know who said it's supposed to make things worse, which if it were it wouldn't have passed as it did. It really wouldnt've. I just believe that people need to get through their thick heads if they want better things and they want a job or whatever you CAN GET IT. IT JUST TAKES TIME AND DEDICATION. A thing a lot of americans have forgotten all about.

    I mean I'm not trying to be mean, but a lot of the poor stick their hands out and expect something to be delievered. They expect it, what happened to the days where people WORKED for what they wanted? There are tons of thousands of agencies out there dedicated to get people jobs. It's just the thing is a lot of people have become fat off of the government ( in a mental sense ).

    The healthcare law is going to help more people then it's going to hurt , but if you focus on the negative it will ALWAYS outweigh the positive in any situation.

  2. Yep, exactly my point. People do need to take time and dedicate themselves to trying to obtain a position. Instead of saying, "No we can't" we need to say "Yes we can". And you are being honest, Mahogany, when you say that a lot of poor people expect something to come to them. And yeah, maybe I have fallen into the trap where, just like others, I strongly oppose this whole thing. All I hope for is the best.

  3. What annoys me isn't that people keep talking about this, its that people are talking it, yet missing the bigger picture.

    Great, Obama wants to help poor people, that's wonderful. But what's wrong with this pile of flaming garbage Obama calls healthcare reform is not that is focuses on the wrong thing (which if I'm understanding the post correctly is Malik's opposition to it), its not that it doesn't do what is actually needed to fix the healthcare crisis, its not even that it costs trillions of dollars (and I think everyone on here who reads my rants knows that I am definitely one against big government spending). What's wrong with this is (and it annoys me that I have to keep on saying this) that this ignores liberty. It ignores personal choice and freedom. It ignores that people have the ability to decided for themselves what they want.

    I don't need some man in the White House to tell me that buying healthcare is the best thing for me. He's not my parent. This isn't some big brother country where the government always knows best.

    Need I go back to the reference of the bridge? If Obama thought that jumping off a bridge was the best thing for you, would he be right to pass a law forcing you to jump off a bridge? Yes right? Because Obama just wants what's best for you! Because he knows that you need to jump off a bridge! No! That's absurd right?! Why? Because you know that jumping off a bridge is not the best thing for you. You would never jump off a bridge because you can decide for yourself that maybe you shouldn't do any jumping off of things. That's your own personal decision, choice and judgement. And there are people out there who made the same choice to not buy healthcare. That's their own personal decision, choice and judgement. Its none of our business what they want to do with their health because we are supposed to have a little thing in this nation called LIBERTY! Its really not that hard a concept.

    To some people buying healthcare is not a good decision for one reason or another. It is not Big Brother Obama's responsibility to force them to do so because he thinks they should.

  4. I appreciate your original post Malik because it highlights how our country lacks the human-capital to ensure that our nation is healthy. Combine that with rising obesity rates and limited access to mental and reproductive healthcare, and we have a serious situation that needs a serious solution.

    On a different note, I came across this blog that focuses on Governor Mitt Romney's praise of the Israeli healthcare system.


    Apparently there is a way to have a government-run healthcare program that ensures the health of its people and cuts costs. But I can't help but wonder why Romney would praise this plan when it's similar to the plan he is attacking back home in his run for the White House?

  5. Raymond, I really appreciate your comment. I agree with most of the things you said. It is not up to the government to tell us what to do. And Ms. Blatteau, I appreciate the fact that you bring up this article. I think the United States is ahead of other countries in some ways, but not when it comes to healthcare. Romney seems to be a little sketchy, as one of the posts on this blog states. He needs to make up his mind about things, or give reason for his beliefs so as to not confuse people. Because, I too wonder why Romney praised this plan but not ours. Maybe there is an aspect of theirs which he likes, and we lack.

    1. I hope my comment above makes sense to everyone.

    2. To tell you the truth, I have not paid attention to the Obama healthcare plan but by reading your post and seeing so much negatives than positives I also believe that there is no need for such laws that don't hep people. I support your comment about the government wanting money all the time (charghing peoplel). What I mean to say is that it's not entirely thier fault, it is also the public because they don't want to do anything about their problems. They expect [free] things to drop form the sky right into thier hands. Like you said that this is a free country; I also believe that people are in charge of themselves and if they can see themselves achiving high standards nothing will be able to stop them.

      This is off the topic but I want to put it out their (for people who are doctors or wish to be doctors) that people need to stop thinking about money and think about humanity and hold free health clinics in small villiages where can't afford healthcare. This way people will know if anything is wrong with them and/or if they are cured it will prevent diseases from spreading.

  6. I greatly appreciate your comment Utsavi. I do agree that money is less important than healthcare. People need to stop worrying so much about spending money. There is too much greed occuring and that's why these issues exist in the first place.

  7. I greatly appreciate your comment Utsavi. I do agree that money is less important than healthcare. People need to stop worrying so much about spending money. There is too much greed occuring and that's why these issues exist in the first place.

  8. I greatly appreciate your comment Utsavi. I do agree that money is less important than healthcare. People need to stop worrying so much about spending money. There is too much greed occuring and that's why these issues exist in the first place.
