Sunday, October 21, 2012

Getting Ready for the final Debate

I found this article that not only gives you glimpses of what is yet to come in the last debate but also the importance of the debates and how they are analyzed (who one/lost).

The big topic for this debate is foreign policy. What does this mean for the viewers? Hopefully it means listening to solutions to issues involving foreign policy, but I doubt that will happen. If you want entertainment during the debate you can turn it into a little game and see just how many times the debate brings up things like Obama’s birth certificate, parentage and etc. I know that has nothing to do with the election but I’m curious to see if they bring it up and if it becomes a focus in the debate. Besides telling us the topic the article also mentions points the candidates will touch on. This got me wondering; during preparations for these debates is there an audience or is it just common sense that that is what they will mention? Either way it will be interesting to see just how many remarks match the points the article said they would say.  

The major points in this article is that the first debate is the debate that can make you or break you, while they found that the third debate usually doesn't have much of an impact on the election. Finally, it tells you the categories of how your performance is judged.

They are:

1.     Level of aggression
2.      Ability to connect to the audience
3.      Did you make noticeable errors?


  1. Very cool, however i wonder on the being judged part. I think everyone is looking foe this in the debate. Should they be judged so narrowly, is there even another way presidents should be judged. Other than body language and appearance?

  2. Very cool, however i wonder on the being judged part. I think everyone is looking foe this in the debate. Should they be judged so narrowly, is there even another way presidents should be judged. Other than body language and appearance?
