Saturday, October 6, 2012

Charles Darwin is Rolling in his Grave

I was just browsing yahoo news when I came upon this article. I know that it doesn't relate to current events that we're studying but I just had to share it with you guys. Congressman Paul Broun has stated at a sportsman's banquet that "I've come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell.". look, I'm not trying to attack anyone's religion  here. I don't hate on anyone's religion as long as it doesn't make them hurt someone, but this honestly blew my mind. First of all, even if you are a religions person  I'm pretty sure you wouldn't call theories like evolution, and the big bang theory "lies from the pits of hell", considering that they have been more or less proven to be true by some very smart people. I honestly could have let this article go after this, but then I continued reading and found that this Congressman actually sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology... I feel that this needs to be repeated. The congressman that believes that evolution is a lie from hell sits on THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY. Before I suffered a severe panic attack, I spoke to my mom about the subject and she was just as surprised as I was. She is catholic and even she said "this guy doesn't sound too bright.". I apologize if I've offended anybody with what I've said but I honestly just had to speak my mind on the subject before I snapped and punched a hole in my computer screen.

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