Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Man Behind The Address

In this article you'll meet Jon Favreau, If you don't know him he is the director of speechwriting for the White House. Jon Favreau has written many speeches for President Obama, dating back to 2005 when he was the senator of Illinois; but this one, he says was the hardest. The difficultly in Mr.Favreau writing has been arrayed before us, whether it be this inaugural address or the one before, it is no easy task to write for the President. In this article, Mr. Favreau discusses why, after so many speeches, this one was the hardest; he also talks about the process of writing this address and where the inspiration came from. This article to me, shows the structure of the great speeches President Obama has given. The talents of Jon Favreau, not only gave us an exceptional speech, but also gave us an outline of our work in AP Gov.


  1. I agree, after reading this article I see that this speech wasn't something whipped up a day before. This speech was unique. Favreau had intensive research of different second inaugural addresses and previous speechs from Obama before even starting the first draft. Like he said, it was the hardest speech he has ever written for Obama. In the article it also says that obama was the first president to mention the words gay and stonewall in the inaugural speech, making this a historical, stand out speech.

  2. I completly agree with you Rusty, the speech was speechless.I didn't know that someone writes a speech for the President. I thought that they might me getting some help but not having the whol spech writte by someone else. Favreau must be a prefessional writter afterall Obama's speech was wonderful. So does this mean that all the words come from President Obama or he just give a base that will help Favreau write the speech?
