Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is There A Middle Class?

In this article, it summarizes Obama's Inauguration speech focusing on income inequality. He addresses how the president said in his speech that the richest 1 percent are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Emphasizing on the fact that the only way to reach prosperity is to expand the middle class or in his words, "rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class". 
In my opinion, I see how building up the middle class can help the economy, but i don't like how many people make it sound like trying to build the middle class means no more poverty. There is even question as to if a middle class even exists. You are either trying to make ends meet or bathing in money. My question is, is there even a middle class?  


  1. I completely agree. The line that separates class inst as distinct as in once was. And what adds to this confusion is, not everyone's classification of middle class is not the same, Yet Obama's campaign is tailored toward the 'growing' middle class. i like the point you make saying that a growing middle class doesn't mean that poverty is out of the picture.A lot of times not much is done for the poor on the national level, and that makes me wonder what is the difference between the middle class and the poor, why would people push and nag the government for policies that would benefit the middle class, could it be a bigger audience, education levels?

  2. In my opinion I believe that there is no middle class as you explained in your post. You are right when you say that you are either the rich bathing in money or the poor trying to make ends meet. It is not easy as it seems to help people rise out of poverty. The government can't just go around to people's houses and handout thousands of dollars to them. Maybe President Obama should work on issues a little by little because f he overloads himself with so many promises he won't be able to work well with the citizens. As citizens of this counrty they have every right to come first so maybe President Obama should start with the economy and then work his way to immigration reform.
    A question that I have may not relate directly to this topic but Why are we spending million of dollars on movies and shows when we could use all this money to help others out?
