Monday, January 28, 2013

My Way or the Highway...

Republican Chris Christie says that Obama's inauguration speech was not uniting, and was somewhat aggressive  Christie said this on his monthly call-in show. He wasn't really bashing the speech, it was more of an opinion just thrown in the air. He wants to see how Obama will follow through with his speech. I just don't see how Obama's speech could not be unifying  and Christi doesn't really explain which part of the speech he felt that way about. Maybe its just Christi being stubborn and not accepting his speech, he doesn't even seem to think the poetry within the speech, was significant. What doe you guys think?

My Way or the Highway


  1. I like the way that you highlighted Christie's inability to identify the specifics of what he didn't like about Obama's speech. I wonder too if this is his way of getting back into the good graces of the GOP by Obama-bashing; since recently he hasn't been the Republican spokesperson that he has been in the past. I'm most intrigued by the first line of the article that highlights how Christie himself has taken an aggressive "my way or the highway" approach. Is it okay for him to do it; but not okay for the President?

    Let's keep the discussion going. Great work on getting your post up early!

  2. Ms. Blatteau, I totally agree with you when you said "Is it okay for him to do it; but not okay for the President?" I found it very ironic that Christie, who is known for being a "my way or the highway" kind of guy, would ever criticize someone else for that? Especially the President of the United States! It just doesn't add up in my opinion. Oh, and don't even get me started about Obama's speech not being unifying enough. I don't understand why so many Republicans are saying this about the speech. How could it be any more unifying? If they actually took the time to read over/watch a recording of his speech and actually PAY ATTENTION, they will notice that Obama talks more about what we have to do than himself. It can't be a my way or the highway approach at all. Obama was firm in what he said, but not in a rude or pushy way. You know, it should be where Obama is criticizing Christie for being too pushy, not the other way around. But as you said Ms. Blatteau (I think you're a mind reader), maybe he wants to get some attention so this is his way of doing that. If Republicans are going to attack, they should at least have all their facts together. It seems like they are becoming desperate to get attention lately.

    However, I did like how Christie said "The speech is just one speech one day", which is very true. I also like how he said Republicans need to do something differently because their strategy is not working. He said it makes the party look bad. I couldn't agree with him more on that. In addition, I liked that Christie lashed out at his own party, specifically towards John Boehner. He even sort of protected Obama when he said that the NRA's ad was ridiculous. So Christie does have some good points, SOME. I like these points because they are in line with my opinions.

    Sorry for the long comment but I had a lot to say!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh and also, great post Niorgie! I agree with a lot of your points as well!
