Monday, September 24, 2012

The Ugly Senate Race

Hi everyone! I know I don't have to post on the blog tonight, but I want to voice my opinion. Okay, so I know we've all seen the ads for Linda McMahon and Chris Murphy (If not you can easily find them on YouTube). Personally, they're driving me crazy! All they're doing is attacking each other. The Connecticut senate race this year has proven to be a very difficult, tumultuous one. In my opinion, it's a bad example of a senate race. Let me tell you why:

When any political race occurs, you can expect a lot of competition. That's fine. But all of this bickering between each candidate this year is a little out of control. All I see on those TV commercials is each candidate bashing their opponent. Not focusing on the real issues that are occurring. All they seem to be doing is criticizing each other. One thing's for sure: I'm glad we only have a little more than a month of hearing these ridiculous ads. 

Now let's move onto the center of attention right now: Linda McMahon. When I first saw that article about WWE removing some "edgier" footage from their computers, I knew there would be issues. I knew it. And now look what's happened. It's hard not to know about it. It's all over the news:

Huffington Post

Fox News 

Washington Post 

New Haven Register

I don't want to waste space on the blog, so I only listed some of the laundry list of articles anyone can easily find using the power of Google. Just about every news station has covered it in some way. I certainly wouldn't want to walk in Linda's shoes right now. 

At times like these, the question surfaces about whether politicians' backgrounds really matter that much. I don't have a firm stance on this issue; I've been flip-flopping constantly with my opinion. It's 100% possible that tomorrow I'll feel different about it. But for now, I think that backgrounds do matter. How are you going to vote for someone if you don't know where they come from? That's basically saying that you don't know who they are, yet you're voting for them. In this case, background really matters. Yes, all people make mistakes, ones that they may regret later on. That's not wrong; we're only humans afterall. But when you're famous, whether a celebrity or politician or anything else, you really have to watch every step you take.

Personally, I don't like the way this is going. I think Linda is trying to be sneaky about this whole thing, but with modern communication, that's very hard. I don't know a whole lot about what occurred behind closed doors, but I know Linda isn't innocent. She is probably a stereotypical Republican, who cares more about her money than anything or anyone else. She's definitely demonstrated it. I'm not worshiping Chris Murphy, but I'm not on Linda's side either.  She's definitely trying to win this race, as Katherine Perez said the race is like "two rats going for the big cheese".

It's going to be a tough race to the end, and I'm going to do my best to follow it. I want to know: What is your take on this issue? Who is in the wrong here? Is it anyone's fault? Do people's pasts really matter that much? 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Linda McMahon and WWE defend themselves

Republican candidate Linda McMahon who is currently running for U.S Senate is being critisized a lot.  Footage of wrestling performers is being removed off the Internet by WWE.  There are videos of her in stimulated sex and necrophilia scenes being used by Democrats against her in the campaign.  Democrats seem to want to " get it out there for the voters to be able to evaluate her full record," said spokeswoman for state Democrats.

 I do believe that candidates should be observed and "evaluated" on there "full record."  But not on something that isn't wrong.  In my opinion its her past, she hasnt committed a crime.  From my perspective she shouldn't be judged based on what she did before.  This really shouldn't be a concern to us.  That was aside of her Political life.  We should focus on her Political life NOW.  I also don't agree with the videos being used by the Democrats in this campaign.  To me it isn't fair or right.

How do you think a candidate should be judged?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Campaign Back-Fire

We should be familiar with the connection between Republican Candidate Linda McMahon and the World Wrestling Entertainment. Well during the campaign of Democratic Candidate, Rep. Chris Murphy, he posted a video of a past event to show the “Reality” of the WWE. After a number of views the WWE asked that the Video be removed. WWE said “They are removing this older material form YouTube, complaining that it was being used for political reasons without those using it explaining that WWE is now PG.” As you can see Rep. Chris Murphy’s planned back-fired. Candidate Linda McMahon despite the video is continuing to beat Rep. Murphy in the polls. Does Rep. Murphy have a chance?

The Reflection of the People, CT Senate Race

As the senate race intensifies, the dirty between the candidate’s increases. In this article, it talks about Democrat Chris Murphy in his quest, to bring in to question the character, of Linda McMahon. He attempts this by posting a video of raunchy acts by the WWE franchise. Only eight hours after being posted the video was taken down by request of WWE. The franchise feels this was a desperate effort on Murphy’s behalf to deflect attention from his imploding campaign. “Chris Murphy and his minions at the State Democratic Party are grasping at straws to come up with anything they hope will divert the public’s attention away from the fact that Congressman Murphy’s campaign is imploding," Abrajano said in an email. "Connecticut voters are clearly unimpressed that Congressman Murphy skips work 80% of the time, that he still doesn’t have a jobs plan after 5,000 days in elected office, and that he’s refusing to come clean about the ethics scandal surrounding the special home loan deal he received while sitting on the House Financial Services Committee.”  If this is true, what does it say about us? Are we that easily distracted, that such things can pull our attention away from the truth? It bothers me that politician’s feel that they can divert our concentration from the battle with cheap shots and irrelevant issues. But this is not a surprise, it happens all too often. When politician’s feel the pressure of an issue that would be important to the people and would ruin their image or campaign they shift course to distract us, and most times we fall into their trap. But it isn’t all bad it is a way to buy them time until they can explain and fix the problem. Although I am not very fond of republicans, I like Linda McMahon’s style. Some of the time, the issues she brings into the light of the public, are important facts we need to know about her opponent. I believe it is now time in the race to put negative ad campaigns away and focus on how each candidate plans to help the people and how they are going to make a change. For example, when Todd Akin made the comments on rape, Claire McCaskill did not run her campaign around his mistake, but distanced herself from it and focused on her efforts to help the people.

More of a "Rat Race"

rat race
n. Informal
A difficult, tiring, often competitive activity or routine.
According to this article Linda McMahon has a pretty good lead in the whole senate race. I tie it in to the rat race because it's like two rats going for the big cheese, they both really want the seat to the senate McMahon even a little more for the fact that she lost in 2010 to Blummenthal by 11% .
Linda McMahon really wants this seat in senate so by what is seen she will do all that is in her power to win this "Rat Race."

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Effects the economy has on the election

So far the chances of President Obama winning the Electoral College have fell from about 78.6 percent to about 76.2 percent.  The probable reason for this decline was "a poor report in one of the economic data series that forecast model tracks, industrial production."  Our economical status is having an effect on the election.  It is having an effect on the decisions of voters.  The economic data will continue to have an influence on the campaign.  Looks like voters are very focused on what has happened to the economy, when it is important to think and focus on the future of the economy by looking into what plans President Barack Obama may have if he is re-elected president or Mitt Romneys plan if he becomes president.  After the conventions there is a possibility of a 3-5 point win for President Barack Obama on the day of the election. Something in the convention that has helped President Obama is Bill Clintons speech.  He explained how President Obama's plan is like his when he was president, the times when our economy was in excellent shape.

The information I have read seems talk about President Obama and how the election may go for him.  It shows how what is going on with the economy is affecting President Obama at times and then how it helps him and gives him a bounce in the campaign at other times.  

How citizens can find the information to be informed  and make purposeful decisions about there government is watch the Democratic National Conventions and look at candidates from their own perspective and point of view.  This matters because others bias and personal opinions shouldn't have an effect on the way we think of candidates and politics.  Our opinions are our own.  Nobody should change the way we look at things.

Blast From the Past

As many of you may know the republic candidate for senate, Linda McMahon, was once the ceo of WWE. The show didn’t always display the best content while she was ceo. Later on the show tried to become more family oriented. Democrat Chris Murphy plans on using the shows obscene or questionable behavior to get the voters to question Mrs. McMahon’s values. The video montage that was used to discredit her was taken down though individual clips have been on sites for years. The Democrats are fighting to get the film put back up so they can show voters who they are really voting for. All the decisions were not hers to make but now with a politic spin to everything, Linda McMahon is to blame for the shows earlier actions. So once again her past might just prevent her from becoming senator.   


Do you think the Democratic party has a right to show this film as part of their campaign?


Do you believe that the video should negatively impact her chances on becoming senator, even though it was not her decision alone to show what they did?



Political Bounce


Answers to Questions:

What does the information you read and consider tell you about bias in the media?  
     Answer- It tells me that there is a lot of bias in the media because what people saw on the media, effected how they voted or who they prefer for president- this is why Obama got a 5% bounce while Romney got a 1% bounce. 

How can citizens find the information they need to be informed and make purposeful decisions about their government?
     Answer- They can read various articles from different perspectives to get a feel of what is not being told in media. They can also learn from the past, look at the past presidents and think/predict what this person may do if he/she is elected once again. 

Why does it matter?
     Answer- Even though our votes don't really count, the person elected as our president will be our country's leader, so we have to be at least informed of what is happening; even though we all know there are millions of things the government does not tell us.


Dems Use Old Argument Against Linda

Among all the articles on the Connecticut Senate Race This one caught my eye. It's mainly about the dems claiming that Linda McMahon's while CEO of WWE she allowed very risque segments and was accused of making millions peddling sex, violence, necrophilia and abusive treatment of women to kids. On one hand I don't think that every CEO should be held accountable for every action of a company, but on the other hand she was overseeing this company (she being the CEO after all. So therefore some of the blame does fall to her. As I continued reading this I saw that this was an old argument made by the dems a while ago. This almost made me go on Linda's side but then I saw that WWE had removed the videos in questions, which makes me believe that maybe they may have trying to cover their own tracks. 1. What do you think of Linda's company acting the way it did? 2. Should Linda own up? 3. Should the dems be using this argument against her?A

Monday, September 17, 2012

Linda McMahon to be our Senate?

     As some of you guys may know that in the 2010 elections for the Senate, Linda McMahon lost to Richard Blumenthal by twelve percent points. Anyhow this year the case is different because according to the polls taken on August Linda McMahon led Chris Murphy by forty-nine percent to forty-six percent. There may be chances that she could win the race because after the defeat in the 2010 Senate elections Ms. McMahon has tried her best to build a better image for herself. Though this is working for her; people are starting to like her better than last year.

     One of her targets were also women to whom she was talking about her struggles and her stress on creating new jobs. She will do anything to woo independents and get their votes. She has held hundreds of events one of them being Conversations with Linda in which she mainly talked to women and learning about their lives.

     Few days ago Linda McMahon said some things about Chris Murphy, who later said that this was all a political ploy but then Murphy also said that Linda McMahon laid off workers and denied workers health care and disability benefits and again the other way, McMahon said that Murphy is talking about 2009 but now her company employs more people than it ever did.

     In my opinion anything can happen in this year's Senate race. There is lying (sometimes) in all political elections. That is the only way to get people's attention; things need to be spiced up to get them listening. Now I think about all the times I never listened to the news until something interesting caught my eyes. That is why many people don't like politics because they find it to be boring but if there was something that was there to spice the news up then every person in the country would always listening to the news and stay updated about this nation.

Question to think about (or answer): If many or all of our political figures are lying just to win then how are they going to run the country in an honest manner? Don't you think that if all the politicians ran the country  honestly then half of our problems be solved automatically.


CT Becoming a "Lean Democratic State"

It's becoming to a concern that the state of Connecticut in the Senate Electoral Map that it changed from "Solid Democratic" to now "Lean Democratic." After a bad year for McMahon in 2010, she has definitely improved with her business, but will her past affect our future? But as of now in the Quinnipiac Polling 47% favor McMahon and 35% aren't. This article also stated that candidate Chris Murphy suffered some hardships in his past? In 2007, Murphy faced foreclosure on his home. In 2003, Murphy failed to pay his rent. So what's the point to this right now? In my opinion, for these reasons, people are afraid of a dramatic moment. For example, what happens if Murphy failed to pay something? Yet, you also have McMahon that had the "edgier footage" past as well. To me, I'm a little confused. I think that the candidates need to prove that their past is over. But can they? As of right now, Republican Party for Senate is rising. It seems that McMahon has been cautious of her decisions. Remember, Murphy can always still have a chance to win.

1. Do you see some kind of balance between Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon?
2. If McMahon wins, will the beliefs of CT citizens change?
3. Do both candidates have what it takes to concentrate on our hardships here in the state of Connecticut? What improvement do we need here?
4. Can Connecticut come back to a "Solid Democratic" state on the electoral map? How?

McMahon Murphy Race Up For Grabs

The Senate race of Linda McMahon and Chris Murphy seems to be a back and forth fight in the financial histories of each candidate. Linda McMahon filed for bankruptcy to avoid paying off her debts and is now a millionaire who refuses to pay back her creditors. Chris Murphy was sued by banks for missing multiple mortgage and rent payment, but charges were immediately dropped when Murphy payed off the debt. However, this campaign seems to focus on one aspect as Ben Marter, campaign spokesman, said, "Chris' record is fighting for Connecticut jobs. McMahon's record is shipping them overseas." I agree with Marter, this aspect of the campaign is significant especially with the economy troubles the country is in today. Shipping jobs overseas only adds to the Recession we are in today. Just with this McMahon doesn't seem like she cares about getting America back on its feet. Getting America back on track isn't only the president's job, but also builds of the efforts from each state no matter how small they are. 

After reading the ctmirror article, who's financial mistake do you think was worse? (even though it doesn't state much about McMahon's bankruptcy)
Who would you vote for in the upcoming elections as of right now?   

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Revamping Her Image


   From filing for bankruptcy in 1976 to giving away hundreds to thousands of dollars through her family's foundation, from laying off workers to some how making millions in tax credit, Linda McMahon is pursing a new image make over. After losing by 12 percent running in 2010, this year Linda McMahon is aiming her campaign in the direction of the economy and outreach towards women, the Connecticut Senate Race tightens up.

    When opponent Christopher Murphy's campaign ad pointed out that "the image CEO Linda McMahon is selling, isn't real." due to the fact that she laid of workers and in result collected millions in tax credits. I response McMahon said in 2009 due to the recession WWE laid off workers, but no they're employing more people than ever before, offering excellent benefits including  health insurance, (remind you the company denied workers disability and health care in the past).

     This year Ms.McMahon has put $11.8 million so far into her campaign, more than Chris Murphy's $3.1 million. in the mist of all this money being spent, Murphy denied the accusation that his opponent made about him accepting a gift of a home-equity loan from a financial institution he represented when he was an attorney which is a violation of House rules.      

   Murphy opposes McMahon's tax-cut proposal for the middle class, saying that it's benefiting the wealthy. Murphy knows he doesn't have the financial resources his opponet does as well as her name recognitioin, he makes a comment of her former business stating that "My story doesn't need as much money as Linda McMahon's.…Ultimately, Linda McMahon needs all the money she has to try to wash away her miserable record of selling sex and violence to kids."

In my opinion both candidates are running their campaigns in a childish way in a game of "tattle-tale." Both McMahon and Murphy and their campaigns should be moving forward and finding a way to campaign a change for Connecticut.  

Questions to You:

1. What's your opinion on McMahon & Murphy's campaign?
2. What's your take on the CT Senate Race? 

The Republicans are winning ?

        So it seems to me that the Republicans might be taking a hold of Ct's Senate race, this might be Linda McMahon chances to prevail. While in the article it shows how there is becoming a lack of people leaning towards the Democratic side for Ct's Senate. The article shows both the flaws to each candidate ; Murphy going into foreclosure and McMahon and her wrestling past. Should these things matter when voting for our next senate?

      In 2010 Linda McMahon lost the campaign by double digits but now she has better numbers remembering to broadcast positive commercials based on her business world, but will this be enough? In the article it say that the Democrats has not unleashed the fall assault, what can that be and could this ruin Linda McMahon's second attempt?

      Muphy's biggest challenge is his foreclosure being published to all of CT. I'm not quite sure if that would hinder the people from voting from him, when many Americans go through these things because of the hard times we are facing. I don't think that people should hold that against him. He even said that he makes mistakes but quickly corrects them after. Will this make people believe he is  incapable to be Senate?

  In all there is a question of who will be able to pull their flaws off the best.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Voice of a Struggling American. Is Health Care Truly a Necessity?

For this blog I do not have an article, but what I do have is the personal experience of an American who is truly in need.

Cynthia is 62 years old, she must wait three years for an almost bankrupt Health Care system, Medicare. She is a single, hardworking, elderly woman that has worked multiple jobs to support herself. She does not ask for welfare, or any government assistance expect when it comes to Health Care. So where is the Government? What do they say? They said "You make to much for us to help you, you have to make at the most 500 dollars a month". Ms. Cynthia says "I've lived in this country for 20 years, how in the world is 500 dollars a month going to support me? How will I sustain myself with 500 dollars a month when my rent is 900 dollars, when I have to buy food to eat, when I must pay my electric bill, my water bill, and insurance for my car? So yes, I make more than 500 dollars a month, but I must. I do not ask for food stamps, I do not ask for money, but what I do ask for is medical support."

 How can this  possibly be? That an elderly woman, or even a struggling American be turned away when they ask for help, because their not a poverty level status. Ms. Cynthia was forced out of the level she was working, and has now been reduced to 16 hours a week, which evidently does not come with health care coverage. Ms. Cynthia is now literally, in a rock and a hard place, stuck in government limbo, awaiting assistance. For 20 years, she has had money taken out of her check for Social Security and Medicare. Now when she is in need for the support she has paid for,she is to young, at 62 years old. So is Health Care a necessity? Yes, I believe it is, because why would a person fight as hard as she is for something she doesn't need? Health Care is a need for every human being whether they be an American or not, or even in good health, because we will become sick and ill. Health Care is a designed system that is to keep us in good health or to get us there. To have a cushion to support us in our falls with our health.

This is not a story of just one American, but it is the voice to many others in the same situation. One of my mothers workmates are on welfare, she works very hard, but when it comes to "welfare week" she is all but forcing most of her normal hours down the throats of her workmates. This woman and many others have pull the wool over the eyes of the government, in other words they have found their way around the government. I'm not saying that all people who are on welfare do things like this, because some are truly in need.  But for those who do, Ms. Cynthia and other hard working Americans who have helped built this country, are second to them.

This is one of the hardest truths the Government will have to face, the biggest pill they will have to swallow. What will they do for those like Cynthia? I am eager to see if there will be a change, or will this truth be pushed under the rug, and walked over. Ms. Cynthia is not an ordinary woman, but she is extraordinary, and she is my Aunt.

Are polititian who they say they are?

I think this article is very prevalent, even though it is not directly based on the race. It many talks about Linda (republican candidate) removing "some dated and edgier footage" This is very suspicious. First off they are being very vague on how extreme this flotage is. also they’cry removing it before anyone get the change to view it. It makes me wonder can we really trust poltitions or soon-to-be politicians, are they all the same

Hearing vs. Seeing

In this article it mainly talks about the reason for Obamas bounce. Martha (person who wrote the article) thinks it wasd mainly because of the ads. Obama air more than double the ads romney air. What does this tell about the power of speech vs. the power of media? I dont think this article has bias. Citizens can find the information they need everywhere, they just to make sure that that they dont limited themselve to one or two sources only. Bias always play a role.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Dirty Little Secret

Welcome everyone! Today I don't have a really long post for you to read, just something simple. But, something that everyone should know about.

Senatorial candidate Linda McMahon used to work for WWE: World Wrestling Entertainment. I'm sure most of you know that. And that itself has gotten her into some controversy recently. You see, there was some older, suspicious footage involving her and her former job. They have just pulled "edgier" footage. That sounds a little suspicious to me, does it to you?

Here's what the company said: "To better reflect our current family-friendly brand of entertainment, WWE is removing some dated and edgier footage from digital platforms," the company said in a statement. "Some of this footage has been misused in political environments without any context or explanation as to when it was produced. This damages the corporate reputation of our company. WWE is well within its rights to protect its intellectual property for fair use."

Well this "footage" has some content that reveals what McMahon started out with: selling sex, and violence, to the youth. I call it her "dirty little secret". Politicians can be quite sneaky at times (Mitt Romney). To me it seems like she's trying to hide the past. But in this day and age, nothing can be hidden once it reaches the internet, which this has. You can try all you want, but the information will always be there. But WWE wants to downplay her past.

Now, my question to you (which I really would love to see people's responses to), is does this footage matter? Is it relevant at all? Do politicians' pasts tell a true tale about their character? Humans make mistakes, we all need to realize that. But are there some mistakes that shouldn't be forgotten?

Let The People Speak. Where Are We Headed?

 This is a very short article, but it does something special and a little different, that I just had to choose it. It briefly talks about the recent job report, the stock market, and implies the effect on the election. The information I read told me little about bias in the media, because the author tried its best to show both sides of the argument, but not only that, they gave power to the people and they were able to voice their opinions on how they felt the economy was doing and how the economy has effected them personally. Bias is a very real factor in the media, so much to the point that you have to be careful about what news channels you watch, but in this article bias was not issue. I feel bias is the barrier that stops us from seeing the other point of view, the wall that stops us from understanding and empathizing with one another. Bias is one of the reasons it is hard for us to truly become "one". American citizens can find the information they need to make purposeful decisions about our government by local news media, bigger news media that focus on political issues and government, the internet, newspapers, and many others. I feel that it should not be just curiosity that inspires the desire to be informed about government, but it should be a necessity for every American to know exactly what is going on in the government and what it is about. How can they live a world they know nothing about? Knowing, gives you the power to understand and make decisions about your future and the future of the government, through elections and voting. It is extremely important for every American to know what is going on, so that they may not just live in this world but be apart of it. I use to feel that it was not important to know about government, because I am a child and my voice is not fully recognized, but knowing exactly what the government is about prepares me for the future of adulthood when I will be able make decisions about who I want to me President, Senator, Governor, or State Rep. so that my voice will truly be heard. How can we be one body, one America, when one limb is not functioning, when one citizen is not exercising its rights? If we all have the knowledge, I believe we will be in the steps ahead of truly functioning as one.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Romney Only Makes Par

The information I read says a lot about the bias media, especially in this article. It talks mostly favoring Obama and describing how Romney's convention didn't do much for him. Romney was only able to make par from his convention(catch up), instead of make birdie as Obama did immediately after Clinton's speech.
In order for citizens to really make an authentic decision not based on bias views, they need to find a website that is so bias. Since this would be pretty difficult to do, they can also can look on both sides of the bias views and decide like that. However, it is very difficult to encounter non-bias views on the elections with the media today. This matters because everybody should be able to make a decision on who they think can best run the country from their own views and not other people's bias views. Both sides may seem good and persuasive, but it really is about weighing the flaws of each candidate. Just using one site to get all your information will gear you towards onside because of the bias.

Federal Reserve

As I was searching for an article to post about I came across one that seems to talk more about the economy rather than the politics of the economy.
What I mean is when I read this article and saw the quotes from Ben Bernake and and Randall Kroszner I was left with more questions than answers.
This article stimulated my mind to think and ask more questions about the economy. My thinking is this : the federal reserve is a , for lack of a better phrase, federally run money reserve. However when I read the article it lead me to believe that it is an independent part of the federal government which can make decisions on its own. It reminded me of the power of a supreme court justice, who is a person of the federally court, however they are not influenced by politics.

The point I am trying to get at , is if this is the case then who can we really blame for the state of the economy ? If we cannot blame Obama and we can blame the Bernake administration , then isn't Mitt's argument essentially irrelevant?

When I read Ms. Blatteau's article on the bounce of Obama's ratings after the job report , I read in the article how the report could essentially be unclear.

The degree of uncertainty in measuring jobs is underscored by the difference between the government’s report, which showed that 103,000 private-sector jobs were created July, and a separate report released on Thursday by the firm ADP Employer Services, which had 201,000 private-sector jobs added instead.

So what does this mean ?

As I said I was left with more questions than answers. 

To tie it all together what I am trying to say is the fact that the Federal Reserve ,( which I believe controls a lot of our money, I could be wrong) is an independent sector means a lot in terms of people saying that Obama isn't doing enough passing of financial bills (or senate or the house isn't). Then when the jobs repot came out, it seems something went wrong. 

It seems like something is going wrong ! 

To answer the questions posed from Ms. Blatteau :

It seems as if the latest job report did not effect his ratings at all ! In a weird way it seems like they may have went up , a considerable amount, an amount larger than what was already calculated. 
When people want to find information about a candiate they should do as much non-media research as they want. By that I mean use, or go and look at how they voted, or what their numbers of success were during the time they held an office. What went wrong ? What was good ? What did they vote on that you didn't like. It's never good to vote off what you hear on ANY news channel or station ! ( even NPR! ) You have to be the one to make your own choice on who you feel has the same values as you  

am so very sorry if this article is confusing , I wasn't and am not really sure of what to make of this but i feel as if it should be shared with the class. 

All Of The Above!

  According to this reading the job rate has acctually declined but that dosn't seem to keep Mr.Obama down. They say that they job growth isn't that great but because of a superficial reason making it a headline forMr.Obama. They take into mind that we are a growing society BUT we are just recovering from a financial crisis. Making it a reason that jobs havent exactly been so florished.

On account with bias, bias is all around us it is with us maybe even part of us. We want to make apoint and get our message accross so we want people on our side so what do we do we tell our side of the story. That is the most logical thing to do. Bias is everywere from newspapers to the middle of our own living rooms. People don't exactly like saying that there is bias but there is.

We have the freedom to use being bias in our favor so why not?


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Conventions Count (Even Today).

Just to get you guys a little informed about my article so you guys don;t have to read the whole thing if you don't want to. It is about the bounce on polls that Mr. Obama received after the DNC. Everyone now thinks that Conventions are not important any more but that doesn't seem to be the truth after the bounce on polls Mr. Obama got.  

Bias is everywhere and everyone uses it in some point in their lives. From most of the articles that I read there was bias. It is a way that people share their opinions. Sometimes bias can be hurtful but there is nothing that can be done to stop it but sometimes it can also be funny. People will not change their decisions for whatever reasons. So whether you are reading a paper or watching a video you will always find at least a few examples of bias.

Here are a few examples: In the first article that I read (posted by Ms. B). The author uses the word "I" in a few of the paragraphs and that tells us that he is explaining or telling us his opinions. When the author is describing how Bill Clinton's speech helped raise the polls Mr. Obama. So if you read this whole article then you will understand that bias is really important in the world of media. Without bias there would be nothing to debate on.

Information if everywhere. I believe that information is always floating around us but we are the ones who are to lazy to catch it. WHY? Well, because many people think that if it doesn't effect them then they don't have to worry about it, but they don't understand that whatever happen in this world ONLY effects them. I can understand if we were living in the 1800's that we didn't have technology or media that was high developed but now we are living in an era that nothing is possible without technology. There are so many sources that can provide the information that we need to know about our country. Now people can type something on their phone and they will get pages and pages of results. Don't have access to a computer or a phone?  No, problem there are many other resources out their that can give the information we need such as the newspaper, library, or they even could ask a friend or family member.

Anything that has to do with us or our country should always matter to us. It should matter because whatever happen will affect us personally too. It's our fault for not following the news and staying updated because everything will effect our lives form choosing the leader that will help us run the country or even filling out a lunch form for your child's school. If we are aware of what is going on in our country then we will be able help as the best as we can to improve it. We have to be the change to see change.

The Economy Matters

The spiraling economy as a whole is on everyone’s mind. The problem for the candidates in this case is how individual states are viewing the issue. If economic problems are more noticeable in a certain area then they might decide it’s time for change. For Obama this means proving that he can get us out of some of this mess as he promised in 2008. For Romney it means focusing and convincing the more populated areas that Obama didn’t do his job; he just added to the problem.  People are seeing a decline in jobs and rise in debt, so Romney has the easier job of pointing out the failures instead of acknowledging the progress that was made in the last four years, and what progress can be made under the same administration.     

 Answers to questions about bias in the media

Bias in the media sometimes is so subtle that it’s too hard to detect. In some cases though it’s quite clear what side the author is on.

For citizens to be informed about their government they have to pay attention to the news, watch the conventions, or they can look up what they want to know online (ex. Google what each party believes in). The thing is that no website will give you 100% fact and absolutely no bias. You have to be aware of bias and be able to separate facts from opinions 

Why Does It Matter?

What's the consideration with being bias? I'm just going to keep this plain and simple. After reading the two articles you can definitely see bias, especially in the first article about Obama's bounce after the DNC. But the main point of why people can be bias sometimes is to defend their side. Defend their belief. Everyone of us are bias to make our point and to make our solution and prove that changes are needed. In a way, being bias can sometimes make a person to convince in something. Here's an example, in class last week we discussed about the Governor of NJ being sharp-tongued and bluntness. But why did he act in such a maybe rude manner? He was making his point.

Where can you not find info about our world today? Our technology is so unbelievable right now that words can't describe how great it is. Finding info on politics, news, celebrities, etc can be found in seconds! Many of us have tablets and iphones and ipods that can access the internet to find breaking news from across the globe. Others can simply watch television, or use their computers. Facebook now has CNN and NYTimes and CNN Politics pages that people can like. But why do politics and media mix? The reason is, in order to show your voice and show your belief and reveal who you are, you need to know what is going on. We all pay attention to what can could be our resolution.

Why does all of this matter? This all matters to one thing... saying your voice and what you want this country to be in the next four or eight years. We own the society together one way or another. It's not the government that's the change, it's us. We are the change. It is up to us to accept and conqueor our challenges. These are the main reasons:
1. Being bias- tries to make a point. To convince.
2.Finding info and making decisions- to prove that we all have a voice in our society.

You may disagree to what I answered, but this country is full of different minds and opinions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bias, Bounces, and Blogs


Bias is something found in so many articles, videos, and anything else relate to news. We're humans. We have our opinions, so we feel a certain way about thing. And a lot of times, we express our feelings. In that first article, and even the second, there is bias. Our blog posts have bias, for sure. With the first article, the author ended with giving his opinion on what Romney needs to do to boost his bounce, "perhaps even one who needs some foreign policy or economic crisis to intervene to give him much of a chance at winning". That's the author's belief of what is needed. That's clearly bias.

Also, the part that says, "which in my view was the pivotal moment of the convention" is the clearest example of bias you can find. He believes that Bill Clinton's speech was a very powerful moment, which I agree with, but that's besides the point. Bias is so common. It can either form or transform people's opinions easily. It's a powerful, widely-used tool. The next sentence is bias too: I believe that bias can make a story more interesting. If an article is just throwing facts left and right at you, it can be very boring. That's not good at all. Bias can give articles that little spark, however too much bias is a terrible thing as well. It seems like, no offense, that a lot of articles in the New York Times have clear bias. But that's what makes me read them. I like to hear people's opinions, whether I completely disagree with them or not. Bias is very important. 

Most U.S. citizens have very easy access to information of almost any kind. In this case, political info. To gather political information, a lot of effort and time is required. You can read a newspaper, or better yet look online, read things, watch videos, follow blogs, "Like" pages on Facebook. There are so many resources at our fingertips, it's truly amazing. You can look up so many different topics, fully educate yourself about things. That's one really fantastic privilege we Americans have. For those of you who have no computer at your home, it's not that hard to find one at a local library or somewhere like that. Technology has connected us to the world faster than ever before. There's so much out there.  There is no doubt in my mind that the internet has played a big part in our government, specifically this upcoming election in November. 

This all matters because it's the way the world is changing. It matters because this is the way that people can get informed about the world. For the most part I already explained why it matters. It matters majorly with our class. It matters because it can help us, Americans, learn about candidates and develop an opinion as to who we want to vote for, which party we want to side with. Which one we don't want to side with, which one we want to trash as much as possible. All of this is easily possible. People have blogs of all sorts sharing heavily biased opinions. Opinions that can also help us believe certain things. That's why bias matters. A lot of political news matters, especially since the presidential election is just a few months off...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Bounce and the Jobs Report

This is one blog.  One perspective.  I'm looking for other perspectives on the post-DNC bounce.

In addition, to what extent will the latest jobs report affect Obama's ratings?

Again, one blog, one perspective.  Your job is to seek out and find evidence that both supports and refutes Nate Silver's take on election politics.

What does the information you read and consider tell you about bias in the media?  

How can citizens find the information they need to be informed and make purposeful decisions about their government?

Why does it matter?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shes standing up for the women, Help

This amazing women Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, has spoken not only for those who have been raped, that can get pregnant but also for women that Mitt Romney wants to take away funding for Brest cancer imaging. This women is telling us how Romney doesn't want the women equal with the men. He wants to make us get payed less then the men. Standing up for the fact that many women have been found to have breast cancer, by going to planned parenthood. This program has saved lives. Some people may not agree with abortion but that's not all they do they give women or teens birth control, condoms, advice, health care if they are pregnant and cant afford a real doctor. This is what Cecile is trying to say that the women of America need to stand up and realize that Obama trusts us that he is trying to help us be equal and the people who need it health care when someone needs to make a choice.

Do you think that just because Romney is anti abortion he should cut things for barest cancer?
 Is it fair that Romney doesn't want our women to be equal to the men something we've been fighting for,for years?

Will I Make It After College? Or Will Student Loans Drown Me In Debt?

 I am sixteen years old, everyday I worry about the future for me, my family, and future college students. What will life be like for us after college? How much debt will be in? Will we able to get the job we want or went to school for? Will we have take a job far away from everything we know? Will we be able to enjoy our jobs or will we have to be in it just for the money? Will we have to drop out of college because of debt? I'm deeply sadden that this will be the state of mind for many future college prospects and recent college graduates for now and years to come. Will anybody stop to help us, "Saying this is to much, how can anybody survive this"? I understand that debt and student loans are apart of many young adult lives, but does it have to be this bad? I have seen my mother struggle to put three children through college. Some of my siblings have had to miss out on actually Universities because they got into very good schools and their college tuition was just to much, now they must begin there college lives at a local community college. Not to say that there is anything at all wrong with community college, but their potential has been hindered by this problem. However, there is light ahead of this long, dark, gloomy tunnel. Education Reform. Specifically, Student Loan Reform. Finally ,there is an answer to problems of many Americans. Obama has potentially created a way to escape or minimize the financial hardship of college, through low interest rates, and lower federal loans. Bill Clinton says"That's why investments in our people are more important than ever. The president has supported community colleges and employers in working together to train people for open jobs in their communities. And, after a decade in which exploding college costs have increased the drop-out rate so much that we've fallen to 16th in the world in the percentage of our young adults with college degrees, his student loan reform lowers the cost of federal student loans and even more important, gives students the right to repay the loans as a fixed percentage of their incomes for up to 20 years. That means no one will have to drop-out of college for fear they can't repay their debt, and no one will have to turn down a job, as a teacher, a police officer or a small town doctor because it doesn't pay enough to make the debt payments. This will change the future for young Americans"
Read more:

How will the ideas and policies of the Democratic Party impact the lives of Americans in the next four years? By inspiring hope in every exiting college student that there is a future for them beyond the walls of college, that they can make it after college. That there future gets brighter everyday. Finally we can lift our heads high and walk talk because there is strong promise in our future. Although we may still worry,we still will struggle, and we may even stumble with our lives present and future wise. When it comes to college our hearts will be at peace.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Four more years !

The Democratic National Convention seemed to be almost as big as Superbowl ( almost ). 
When I watched the event I looked around and saw a lot of different types of people. I saw superstars and everyday people, senators and heads of this and that. I looked an I thought to myself: This is what our country looks like. The amount of people in the stadium was insane ! I was truly amazed with the whole thing but more intrigued with the speakers than anything.

Two speakers stuck out to me : Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton.

I did not get a chance to watch the First Lady on TV but I tuned in on youtube [] to watch her speak. When I listened I heard the sincerity in her voice. I felt as if I understood her past pain and struggle , as well as the President's. Michelle Obama spoke from the heart. She and her husband understand the middle-class struggles, even driving in a rusty car. 

She can connect with a lot of us. She gets it. 
As does Obama.
Does Willard ? 

Question : 

Do you think the First Lady spoke to much about her and Barack's past and not enough about the issues the country is faced with ?

Again I went to youtube to look at the Bill Clinton speech. It was pretty lengthy. Although it wasn't boring lengthy. The way Bill spoke about the country made it all seem so simple. He essentially dissected the GOP ( & Willard's) morals , beliefs, and actions. He spoke with the fierce , but simple, language that you would only expect from him. Bill Clinton understands the fact that in order to get things done you can't bicker all the time. Bill spoke on even the flaws of politics. He spoke with intelligence , stating his facts. Stating Obama's positives that I never even knew about ( and I'm a hugeee obama supporter ! ) He did attack Romney , but in a cool classy Clinton way.

Hardly ever do you hear anyone talk like this. 
You hardly hear a politician talk like this.

The truth seems to have finally been spoken , and who better to speak of it then Bill Clinton ?


Do you think there is way too much back and forth going on between the parties ? Or is it healthy? 

Equal pay for equal work!

I refuse to accept that after all we been through over the course of history people are still debating if woman should have equal pay. It's 2012! No women should get paid less than a man for doing the exact-same job. Women are no longer the slaves of the house, having to take care of the children on her own. We now have a voice and the right to express it, we are now accounted for in this country and in the world.  I support Obama because he believes in equality not just for women but for everyone in this country.  When obama became president the first bill he signed was the  "Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act",to help women get equal pay for equal work. Sadly, women still only make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. Is that fair? Why should man get paid more for doing the same job as women? When most of the time women do the job more efficiently than men! Obama knows the struggles woman deal with daily because he grew up watching his mom deal with these struggles ,being a single mother wasn't easy for her working hard each and every day trying to provide her children with the life she was never offered.  America needs a leader that has had struggles in their life ,someone that started out with nothing but gradually worked their way up to the top. You can't expect someone who was brought up with wealth to know, what is essential for this country. Mitt Romney believes that earning 23 cents less than men isn't a big deal but to many families that is a big deal, the money adds up.

Lily Ledbetter stated that: " maybe 23 cents doesn't sound like a lot to someone with a swiss bank account but gov. Romney , when we lose 23 cents every hour, every day,every paycheck,and every job over our entire lives what we lose can't just be measured in dollars"

America needs a president that will open new doors for us women not old doors. We need a president that will stand by our side when most of the country won't. Barrack Obama believes in the American dream and the American people; he brings us forward not backwards.

Bill Clinton Speaks The Bluntly Truth

-In this great article Mr. Clinton spoke about how the republicans basically ruined things in the white house, and he blamed debt on The GOP. Clinton was saying that if we Americans heard Romney's real policy details in his convention speech. I loved when Clinton gave president Obama credit for the work he's been trying to do, and the things Obama's been trying to fix for us. also he gave credit and told people that Obama isnt the reason why were in debt. Clinton's speech really caught my eye because everything i was saying about the republicans and how instead of trying to really help the citizen like they would say they are trying to, they are really just trying to make Obama fail, so he can be put out the white house and someone they want like Mitt Romney could come in and take over, and do the work they been trying to do. He stated in his speech " the Senate Republican leader said that their number one goal was not to put America back to work, it was to put the president out of work," he added." Clinton was really hitting the ideas of what other people were feeling and saying about the republicans. Im not saying there horrible people, but like clinton bascially said was, why make it harder on everyone who wants to vote? Just so you can win the white house and feel accomplished? But in the long wrong there going to be the ones miserable, and mad that things arent going their way. The ideas and policies from the Democratic party will impact American's lives because people cast votes based on the ideas they hear from others and their knowledge put together to make their final decisions. The speeches at the Democratic Party will impact lives for the next four years because based on our votes from hearing the speeches, that will be our next leader and controller over our country for them four years, and based on who we vote for they will make decisions and we hope by the Party and hearing the speeches that people will then chioce the right one for the White House. 

First Lady Touches Many Hearts in DNC Speech

The first thing I noticed when i turned on the Democratic National Convention was the diversity in the speakers and the audience. I see all kinds of races from blacks to hispanics to indians and more. This can say a lot to many voters out there. In my opinion, I don't think the GOP knows whats best for this country. They dont seem to truly know what it is like to start from the bottom and work your way to the top. They don't have the first hand experiences of struggle to know what to do to help them.
On tuesday there were plenty of great speeches. Ted Strickland talked about how Obama never gave up on the auto industry and on the middle class. Lily Ledbetter talked about how Obama fought for fair play and made sure women got paid fairly and weren't getting cut short because of their gender. The speech that touched not just everybody at the convention, but also all viewers around the world, was that of Michelle Obama. Her approach to this speech was very unique because instead of going right at Mitt Romney, she talked about the the close and personal things in their lives in the White House and how even with all the stress and tension of having the job as president, his personality never budged. As she said in her speech, "After so many struggles and triumphs and moments that have tested my husband in ways I never could have imagined, I have seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are — it reveals who you are." In her speech she also talked about their backgrounds. How both of them grew up in families that struggle to make it by. They didn't have the parents with the high paying jobs or the best house to live in. However, even better, they had a family who cared and would do anything to make sure that their child's future would turn out much better than that of their own. These struggles are where Obama bases most of his decisions on. Obama's past is the reason why he fought on and made sure that the auto industry wouldn't fail. His past is the reason why he fought for fair pay for the women all over America. His past is why he knew that Obamacare would help ensure that everybody has insurance no matter how much their pay check is every 2 weeks. 
The ideas and policies of the Democratic party will impact the lives of Americans in the next four years because although Obama's solutions to the problems of our economy didn't sky rocket us up and out of the recession, it made progress and gave us hope. In time, the Democratic party can drag us out of the recession and put America back on its feet. In Michelle Obama's speech she siad, "For Barack, success isn’t about how much money you make — it’s about the difference you make in people's lives." This is the kind of attitude the Democratic party has and the kind of attitude that can help America prosper the next four years. 

Do you think that Romney has the capability to accomplish what Obama has? Or would he have made the Recession into the second Depression?

Illegal Aliens OR DREAMERS?

In this article it said the Rep. of the District of Illinois, Luis Gutierrez stated  "The fact that they're going to allow young people -- undocumented people to come and speak at this convention is an indication of the future."  
This shows that the fact of UNDOCUMENTED people coming to speak at the CONVENTION points out the FUTRE. A future WITH and FOR undocumented people as well.

I understand that many Americans may mostly be focused on the nations future with the economy and healthcare, but lets NOT FORGET immigration reforms and education.  As a Hispanic coming from a family where there are immigrants uncles, aunts, cousins etc.  I know what its like for this to affect someone. I've seen it before.  I've seen how someone suffers from wanting to go to college and not being able to because they are undocumented.  This is a very important topic that has to do with a lot, like our economy and education.  I am a very fortunate human being on this planet, thanks to my parents I was born here and don't have to worry about weather I will be able to go to college or not because I'm not undocumented.  But I'm not selfish or take this right of being a U.S citizen for granted because I do worry. I worry  about my people and my country.  Something I always hear is " We are the future of this country" In my opinion even immigrants are the future of this country.  In my eyes being undocumented doesnt really make you different from a actual U.S. citizen.  They also want an education and DREAM to have a career.  THEY ARE THE FUTURE AS WELL. If an Immigration Bill or President Obama's education policy was to be passed  in the future and because of the help of our Democrat leaders, not only would immigrants benefit from this but also people that are already U.S citizens.  I think in the future this would help build our economy back up again, a major issue our nation faces now.  If immigrants were able to have a same right to education as U.S. citizens.  We would have more successful people in this world ready to work hard not only for their own economy and benefits but for the nation. Now they all would work together and make the United States of America even a more successful nation.

Whatching the Democratic National Convention tonight. Cristina Saralegui pointed out how much President Obama and Democrats have helped our nation, many important accomplishments that President Obama has made so far and what more plans he has for the U.S.
- President Obama has helped prevent a SECOND GREAT DEPRESSION and will work hard in the next 4 years if he is re-elected to keep is away from a second great depression
- He has cut taxes from middle class people.  What many need because many of Americans are middle class.  This will help families and their homes.
- He for the Dream Act.
- He fought for health care- which has helped and assures to help protect and help millions of Americans.
They have a plan for our economy, education and a plan to pass a comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship.

In a Democratic Video before Benita Veliz's speech at the Democratic National Convention. President Obama promised that FOR AS LONG AS HE IS PRESIDENT he will not give up on the issue and bill with immigration because its the right thing to do.


Coming From Nothing To Something

Watching First Lady Michelle Obama's speech last night really changed my perspective on not just the election but in Obama and his presidency as a whole. i say that because i used to always think that Obama was elected and voted into office for the wrong reason but after that speech that that powerful women Mrs.Michelle Obama give it made me say to myself "Dar'Ron dont judge their present if you dont know their pass".I loved the part that said when she was talking about her and Barack being in the car on their way to a date and she could see the cement from the inside of the car from all the rust on the car. i loved it because it made me feel apart of "The Family" how just explained about their struggles such as Obama grandmother being a bank teller those are things that men and women sad to say still face til this day.


I found First Lady, Michelle Obama's speech very inspirational. I never knew about her and Baracks struggles which has a high impact on America because they know how it feels and they understand us. There past affects our future in a great way. There ideas and policies are very understanding and ethical especially when it comes to women and their rights to do as they please with their bodies/health care. We should not make the choices for them. Having a Democratic Party in office for thr next four years can tremendously help increase jobs, enhance education, less worries about health care, cut taxes for working families, women paid equally for their work, increase of student aid with less interest, etc. It is hard getting back up on our feet but with Barack Obama as our President for the next four years, it will the best four years we will remember!

Lets Talk Planned Parenthood

Tonight Cecile Richards talked about how important Planned Parenthood was to women's health, and how Republicans like Mitt Romney were the devil for ever thinking of defunding Planed Parenthood. Well lets talk about defunding it shall we? I'm all for it. Yes, I want Planned Parenthood defunded. Per the wishes of Ms Blatteau for me this year, I will try to hold back the sarcasm regarding why I want PP defunded, but it is not because I "hate women". Those of you who know me, or were in class the other day, know I am very pro-life. I do not believe in abortion. I don't believe tax dollars should be used to fund abortion. That being said, we all know Planned Parenthood preforms abortions, and it is funded by tax dollars. So, with that being said I want PP defunded. If it was completely up to me, I would immediately put the funding they receive at a big 0. If they stop preforming abortions, I'd be more than glad to return their funding. I love the other work they do for women. Another woman spoke on how PP saved her life and all that is wonderful work they do over there. That is something that should be taxpayer funded, not the murder of innocent unborn Americans, ones with the unalienable right to life. Now some of you will say "Oh only 3% of what they do is abortions!" Well let me cut you off there because I don't care. I don't care if you do 1 abortion a year or 330,000 like PP. If you preform abortions, you should not receive taxpayer dollars. Now if you're someone like Mahogany, you'll say something along the lines of "Don't you care about the mother in this situation?" Again, I'll stop you right there because the answer is "No". Unless the mother was raped, it was from incest or her life is in danger, do not mention the mother because I simply do not care. She does not matter in this situation and I am not thinking about her what so ever. Why? Because this conversation is not about her, she has nothing to do with the conversation. This conversation is about the human life that is inside that woman. It is about the unalienable right that human life has to life. No one can take away that right to life. Not the government, not a doctor, not the mother. That baby has the unalienable right, a right they are endowed with by their creator (who/what ever that is), to breathe their first breath, see their first sight, hear their first sound. That is a right all of us had, and a right I want every single unborn human life to have. No one has the "right" to deny others their rights. That is what the conversation is about. Not a woman.