Maintaining a good environment is not only a responsibility of the citizens but also the government. I don't believe that the power of controlling all energy productions should be given to the states because out of laziness they will end up using coals and fossil fuels.
The article that I posted about explains why the demand for wind turbines and solar panels are plummeting day by day. The biggest reason is credit crisis. Businesses and companies have laid off many workers. This situation explains why most of the Metro students (141 out of 285) thought that we should invest in cleaner energy. If they are seeing that there is no change coming about then they are more likely to pick that choice.
I believe that the students at Metro really care for the environment because they want a better future ahead of them. They know that if they don't worry about the environment they will have a very difficult time keeping up with it when they are older. Like I had said before, WHATEVER WE DO ALWAYS AFFECTS US! Using fossil fuels and coal for energy is not only bad for the environment but it is also hazardous to our health. I understand that maybe they may have chose this choice because it was easier to understand yet they at least care for the environment because they know everything about coal and fossil fuels and why we need cleaner energy like solar and wind energy. I can say that they are informed about the issue because in physical chemistry class we are learning about renewable resources and how we can use those to prevent from pollutions and high levels of Carbon Dioxide. All Metro students do care because if we have a good source of energy that don't harm anyone then the number of people suffering with diseases will decrease. Many people show that they don't care on the outside but when it comes to helping the nation they will never step back.
I couldn't understand too much about the Keystone Pipeline Project so I uploaded this video from YouTube that explains a little bit about it.